Client Service Officer Nct Lux
il y a 4 jours
Client Service Officer NCT Lux
An e xciti n g a n d me a n i ng f u l r o le w it h in t h e i m p o r ta n t a n d g r ow i n g W ealth M a n a g e m e n t se g m e n t o f De u tsc h e Ba n k L u x em b o u r g. Y o u w ill h a v e t h e c h a n ce to b e c o m e t h e m ain a n d r e lia b le c o n tact f o r S e n i o r R e lat i o n s h ip M a n a g e r s. Y o u are p art o f a s m all, d y n a m i c a n d h i gh ly m o ti v a t e d t e a m. T h e Cli e n t A c c o un t M a n a g e m e n t te a m w h ich is p art o f t h e Cli e n t S er v i ce t e a m s, an i n t e r n ati o n al a n d d i v erse e n v i r o n m e n t in o n e o f t h e m o st attr a cti v e s e g m e n ts w ith g r o w th o pp o r t un iti e s.
Y o u r g o al is to m a xi m i z e cl i e n t satis f act i o n as we ll a s e sta b lis h i n g cr e d i b ility a n d t r u st, m ai n tai n i n g t h e h i gh e st sta nd ar d s o f p e rs o n al a n d p r o f e ss i o n al i n t e g rit y. Y o u a r e b e in t o u ch w ith o u r b a n k
- i n t e r n al s p e ciali s ts ( p r o du c t s, c r e d it, ris k, le g al, c o m p l i a n c e, o p e rat i o n s) a n d h a n d le c om p l e x a c c o un t related qu er i es a n d e x e c u t i o n o f all t a sks a n d p r o c e ss e s o f t h e lif e - c y c l e o f a W e a l th M a n a g e me n t acc o un t.
**Ke **y **r **e **s **pon **s **i **b **i **l **i **t **i **e **s**:
- Supp o rti n g s e n i o r r e lat i o n s h ip m a n a g e rs o f t h e N o r d i c s c o ve ra g e t e am t o i d e n ti f y n e w o pp o rt un it i e s a n d und e rt a ki n g r e s e a r ch r e qu e s ts. Wr i te cl i e n t’s p r o file f o r o nb o a r d i n g pu r p o se
- I n teract with cl i e n ts a n d t h eir r e p r e s e n tat i ve s du ri n g o nb o ar d i n g sta g e
- M ai n tain c l o se c o n tact w i t h cli e n ts in c o n j un ct i o n w i t h t h e assi gn e d r e lat i o n s h ip m a n a g e r
- A ssist in p r e p ari n g cl i e n t m ee ti ng s a n d p r ov i d e c om p r e h e n si v e o ve r v i e w a b o u t t h e b a n k, p r o du cts a n d s e r v i c e s. D ra f t call r e p o rts w h en p rese n t in clie n t m e eti n g.
- I n teract with cl i e n ts o n a r e c u rri n g b asis f o r t h e o p e r at i o n al m at t e rs
- Pe r f o r m p e r i o d ic cl i e n t r e v i ew s in li n e w ith KYC p o lic i e s a n d w it h in d e a d li n e s
- P r o v i d e e x e c u ti o n s e r v ic e s o f all ki n d o f tra n sact i o n se r v ic e s r e qu ir e me n t s a n d p r o du ct a pp licati o n p r o c e s s e s: p a y me n t s, d e p o sits, l o a n s, se c u rity tra n s a ct i o n s, st a t e m e n ts
- C o n tri bu te to c o n ti nu o u s p r o ce s s i m p r o v e m e n t i n itiat i v es to i m p r o v e t h e clie n t s er v i c es
**S **k **il **l **s **an **d **expe **ri **en **c **e**:
- A t least 3 y e a rs o f e x p erie n ce o f W ealth M a n a g e m e n t ex p erie n c e
- A c qu ir e d und e rsta nd i n g o f b a n k p o li c i e s, p r o c e s s e s a n d s e r v i c e s
- G oo d p r o b l e m - s o l v i n g s kil l s, m u lt i taski n g a n d a tte n t i o n to d etail
- S tr o n g t e a m w o rk a n d o r g a n i z ati o n al skills, a b ility to w o rk und e r strict d e a d li n e s
- Excelle n t c o mm un ic a ti o n s kills
- Po s i ti v e a t tit ud e a n d d y n a m ic wo r ki n g a pp r o ach
- Excelle n t E ng lish la ngu a g e skills, N o r d ic a n d o t h e r la n gu a g e s are a s s et s
T h is is an e x c e lle n t o p p o r t un ity f o r p e r s o n al a n d p r o f e ssi o n al d e v e l o p me n t w i t h in a c o lla b o r ati v e t e a m in an i n t e r n ati o n al e n v ir o n me n t. I n t e ra c ti o n w i t h h i gh ly m o t i v at e d c o l l e a g u e s ac r o ss t h e g l o b e.
Unsere Werte bestimmen das Arbeitsumfeld, welches wir schaffen möchten - vielfältig, wertschätzend und offen für verschiedene Meinungen. Nur eine Unternehmenskultur, die eine Vielzahl von Perspektiven, sowie kulturellen und gesellschaftlichen Hintergründen vereint, fördert Innovation. Wir setzten auf vielfältige Teams, in welchen die Menschen ihr volles Potential entfalten können - denn das Zusammenführen verschiedener Talente und Ideen spielt eine entscheidende Rolle für den geschäftlichen Erfolg der Deutschen Bank.
Unsere Unternehmenskultur setzt hohe ethische Standards und fördert ein gutes Miteinander. Unabhängig von kulturellem Hintergrund, Nationalität, ethnischer Zugehörigkeit, geschlechtlicher und sexueller Identität, körperlichen Fähigkeiten, Religion und Generation freuen wir uns über Bewerbungen talentierter Menschen.
Sprechen Sie uns an: Wir bieten flexible Arbeitszeitmodelle und weitere Zusatzleistungen, um Sie in Ihrem Berufsleben zu unterstützen.
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Client Implementation, Nct, Lux
Il y a 2 mois
Luxembourg Deutsche Bank Temps plein**Client Implementation, NCT, Lux (f/m/x)**: **Job ID**:R0352969**Full/Part-Time**:Full-time**Regular/Temporary**:Regular**Listed**:2024-10-29**Location**:Luxemburg**Position Overview**: **Responsibilities**: - The Know Your Client Analyst role focuses on client onboarding and regular review process in line with DB and regulatory standards - Perform KYC...
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Client Services Officer
Il y a 7 mois
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Gestionnaire Client Services
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Gestionnaire Client Services
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Client Service Officer
Il y a 7 mois
Luxembourg Axis Temps plein**Description** - Process policy transactions, provide services, and resolve queries accurately and in a timely manner throughout the policy's lifecycle. This includes managing documents related to policies. - Assist in conducting due diligence reviews of transactions in accordance with corporate standards. - Build and maintain strong relationships with our...
Client Service: Governance Office
Il y a 7 mois
Luxembourg JPMorgan Chase & Co Temps plein**JOB DESCRIPTION** Join an established team to support all areas of the JPMorgan Asset Management Europe (JPMAME) Governance Office. The JPMAME Governance office is a central team focused on JPMAME governance related matters and more particularly in the following areas: 1/Delegation and outsourcing framework 2/JPMAME governance practices 3/Centralization of...
Stage - Client Services Wm
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Regulatory Services Officer
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Client Implementation Specialist Asc Lux
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Cdd - Gestionnaire Client Services (H/F)
Il y a 7 mois
Luxembourg BNP Paribas Temps pleinCDD - GESTIONNAIRE CLIENT SERVICES (H/F) (NUMÉRO DE L'EMPLOI : CLV022362) **_Cardix Lux Vie_**_ est un acteur majeur du marché de l’assurance vie luxembourgeoise._ - Sur le marché local, la compagnie propose un large panel de solutions d’épargne et de protection pour les particuliers et les professionnels. Pour les clients fortunés évoluant dans...
Ambassadeur Commercial Senior
il y a 3 semaines
Luxembourg City Publi-Lux Temps pleinPubli-Lux, une entreprise orientée client dans les médias au Luxembourg, recherche son prochain talent commercial pour intégrer son équipe.Votre rôle consiste à devenir un ambassadeur de la marque et à développer des relations de confiance avec nos clients.Résultats attendusGérer et développer un portefeuille de clientsProspecter de nouveaux...
Client Account Manager/client Service Officer
Il y a 7 mois
Luxembourg Redstone Search Group Temps plein**Locations**:Europe**Divisions**:Private Banking & Wealth Management**Roles**:AnalystClient RelationsComplianceCorporate AdvisoryCredit OfficerDevelopment/SalesFinanceFinancial PlanningOtherPrivate Client**Job Ref**:RS1772**Sulayman Khwaja** **Recruitment Consultant** **+44 1727 614 139** Redstone Private Banking Search are leaders in the global...
Client Service Officer
Il y a 7 mois
Luxembourg Deutsche Börse Temps plein**Learn. Develop. Grow. But always: Share value**: Join our international team that drives positive change, united by a spirit of openness and curiosity. We empower you to have an impact and to grow - personally and professionally. With us, you work at the heart of financial systems and evolve the way markets operate. We’re excited about the future because...
Client Service Officer
Il y a 3 mois
Luxembourg Deutsche Börse Temps plein**Learn. Develop. Grow. But always: Share value**: Join our international team that drives positive change, united by a spirit of openness and curiosity. We empower you to have an impact and to grow - personally and professionally. With us, you work at the heart of financial systems and evolve the way markets operate. We’re excited about the future because...
Client Service Officer
Il y a 7 mois
Luxembourg Deutsche Börse Temps plein**Learn. Develop. Grow. But always: Share value**: Join our international team that drives positive change, united by a spirit of openness and curiosity. We empower you to have an impact and to grow - personally and professionally. With us, you work at the heart of financial systems and evolve the way markets operate. We’re excited about the future because...
Operations Client Service Officer
il y a 2 jours
Luxembourg State Street Temps pleinWho we are looking for As an Officer in Luxembourg Fund Accounting Team, you will be responsible for oversight of NAV Production and be facing client for the design and implementation of new processes. You will also be gatekeeper for any client queries related to Fund Accounting and coordinate regulatory report for Nav incident. Taking part in Dui Diligence...
Client Service Officer
il y a 9 heures
Luxembourg Banque de Luxembourg Temps plein**Type de contrat**: CDI **Temps de travail**: Temps plein **Activités / Missions**: A la Banque de Luxembourg nous accompagnons trois types de clients : les clients privés, les clients entreprises de type familial, et les clients professionnels issus des métiers de la gestion d'actifs. Au sein de la Banque professionnelle le département Funds &...