Moovijob Week Luxembourg, Special Day for Banking

il y a 4 jours

Luxembourg Moovijob Week Journée spéciale Banque Assurance Services financiers Temps plein

In 2024, discover the first edition of the Moovijob Week Over the course of a week, this new family of events offers 5 specialist themed days.

**Friday the 29th of November** is dedicated to the **Banking / Insurance / Financial services** sector. This day, which is **open to all**, is an ideal opportunity for face-to-face discussions with the main players in the Grand Duchy in the sectors of banking, insurance companies, fiduciaries, accountancy firms, investment fund management companies, audit and consultancy firms, law and legal firms, Fintech companies and other recruiters in the sector.

**Moovijob Week Luxembourg - Special day for Banking / Insurance / Financial Services - Friday November 29, 2024**:
**Find a permanent or fixed-term contract, internship, training or simply useful information on the labour market in Luxembourg by taking part in the event on Friday, November 29, 2024, from 10.30 am to 5 pm (non-stop) at the European Convention Center Luxembourg (ECCL).**

**Why should you participate?
- From 10:30 am, **the main players **of the **Banking / Insurance / Financial services** sectors from Luxembourg will be present to **meet you face-to-face** and offer you jobs
- Whether you're an auditor, accountant, fund manager, client relationship manager, tax officer or you'd like to become one, this is your chance to find an internship, a job or simply to discover the career opportunities in this dynamic sector of the labour market.
- Meet **representatives of training organisations** and discover the new training courses to **develop your skills**
- Many **career advisors **will be present to answer all your questions on employment related topics.

The event has a free entrance and is open to all, regardless of age, degree or professional situation.

Registration is highly recommended before the event to ease your access to the fair.

**Find all the practical information and register by clicking on the following link**:Moovijob Week Luxembourg, Special day for Banking / Insurance / Financial Services

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